Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 Garage Sale Resolutions

Another holiday season has come and gone so fast. This is always the time of year when we tend to reflect and think about changes for the coming year. For the garage sale aficionado, what could this mean? We jotted down a few resolutions, just for fun. Add your ideas, too, and let's make 2014 our best deal-making, garage sale shopping, bargain hunting year ever!

  • I will not leave something behind at a sale, only to kick myself for the next two days for not getting it.
  • I will not allow my impulsive nature to make me bring home a trunkful of things I don't need, just because it was a "good deal".
  • I will not sleep in on a super garage sale Saturday morning.
  • I will not be bitter when the shopper next to me grabs it first. After all, "You snooze, you lose."
  • I will kill two birds with one stone, by getting my New Year's "get back in shape" exercise equipment at a garage sale. After all, who wants to invest big bucks into something you'll be using as a clothes hanger in three months? (C'mon, you know it's true.)

It may be January, but a few garage sales are already popping up in our area. Get ready to join us for another fun season of treasure hunting! Happy 2014.