Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Renoir at a Flea Market?

In our book, we take some time to stress the importance of knowing what you are looking at and checking for labels. We also talk about some of the treasures we have come across. We've had some good days, but we can't hold a candle to the woman in Virginia who bought a Renoir original at a flea market for $7. That's right, an original Renoir for $7.

She originally bought it, planning to use the frame and discard the artwork. That's one idea we suggest in the book, along with using the art with another frame. Fortunately, she did look further into it before making a move. She took it to an auction house for evaluation and their fine arts expert identified it.

The painting will be auctioned and is expected to bring in $75,000. Read the whole article here:

Although rare, these finds are out there, so go forth and find yourself a Renoir!

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